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BOOK BLAST: The Welsh Warrior's Inheritance

Great Britain has always occupied a special place in my heart. British history has always fascinated me, not to mention the incredible legendary folk-lore that orginated in England. Boudicca, King Arthur, Robi n Hood . . . Need I go on?

Decades ago, I had the pleasure of traveling with a choral ensemble all over England. At one point, we even crossed into Wales and did a performance at a country Church with dinner following. I was seated across from a kindly Welsh couple, who spoke Welsh to one another. However, when they switched to English, I quickly found myself over my head then, as well--drowning in an accent I couldn't grasp. Though I caught spare words here and there, I was so embarrassed, for I was unable to follow most of their conversation. Let's just say that much was lost in translation that night! Still, Wales holds such a rich culture, and the memory of that night still causes me to smile and shake my head. I would be pleased to return to Wales any time!

This week's guest, Arianwen Nunn, has placed her book's plot in early 12th century Wales, while lusty King Henry I lorded over Britain. Don't let any of the names scare you off, for this was one of England's most tumultuous times, chock-full of entertaining history, and Nunn has one thrilling tale to tell. Scroll down just a little ways to find a blurb that will surely whet your appetite for more.

Arianwen, welcome to Brook's Journal.

And read on, everybody!


It is 1109 and the Welsh warrior and firebrand, Owain ap Cadwgan abducts Princess Nest from the castle she shares with her children and her husband, Gerald of Windsor. King Henry of England, furious that Nest, who is also his lover and mother of his son, begins a manhunt to find Owain and return Nest to her husband. In Gwynydd King Gruffydd ap Cynan and his wife risk everything to hide them and get them to safety in Ireland despite the efforts of Gronwy ap Owain, Angharad's vicious brother who would like to see Gruffydd and Owain dead.


King Henry uses Bishop Richard to start kinship warfare in Wales then declares war against the Welsh determining to exterminate them all. Can Gruffydd and his family survive the greatest army ever led against Wales?

Arianwen Nunn
Arianwen Nunn


Arianwen Nunn was born in Wales but now lives in Australia and writes historical fiction based on the Welsh kingdoms in the Middle Ages.


Arianwen has written a series of three books, 'The Welsh Traitor's Daughter', 'The Welsh Warrior's Inheritance' and 'Bards Sing of Love and War' which follow the lives of King Gruffydd ap Cynan and his wife Angharad and their family.


She has also written two children's books, 'The Welsh Warrior's Wonder' and 'Where Dragons Still Roar'.



To purchase, click on the Book Cover
To purchase, click on the Book Cover

1 commentaire

Cathie Dunn
Cathie Dunn
4 hours ago

Thank you so much for hosting Arianwen Nunn on your fabulous blog today, with her medieval adventure, The Welsh Warrior's Inheritance.

Take care,

Cathie xo

The Coffee Pot Book Club

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