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EXCERPT: Esperanza's Way

Greetings, readers!

I hope August is treating you well, and that everybody is staying cool wherever you are--that is, except for my readers Down-Under. It's still winter for those of you in Australia and New Zealand!

Book series: they're wonderful to dig into--that is, if you're a committed reader. Just a few days ago, I finished the third book in Ken Follett's Kingsbridge Series. Wow, what a Master of Literature that man is. I've loved all of those books so far, but I'm thinking that this one: World Without End, was my favorite so far.

Series have become a popular way for authors to market themselves to a loyal following of readers. Once a readership is formed, most people are out there, waiting hungrily for the next installment. It was always so pleasing to my ears when people kept asking when my third Antonius Trilogy book would launch.

This week's guest on Brook's Journal is also the writer of a series. I'm welcoming Cindy Burkart Maynard, who is sharing a snippet from Esperanza's Way; the second book in her Seeker's Series. I'm delighted to share her work and wish to welcome her for the first time onto my blogsite.

Read ON, everyone!!!


By Cindy Burkart Maynard

Amika pulled her mind away from her memories of the Camino. She was delighted by Mateo's news, but his words swirled around her head like a swarm of bees, buzzing but not landing.

The whirlwind of emotions that stirred her had nothing to do with Mateo's school. Her feelings were visceral. Her heart swelled to overflowing, not with pride for his accomplishments, but with an aching need. He had risen so high in the world, she worried he would slip away from her altogether. Her accomplishments were ripples in a stream compared to the waterfall of his success. She knew he would never marry her; their differences were too great.

Nevertheless, from the moment she met him on the Camino, she understood he would always be her first and only love. He had ambitious plans that did not include an uneducated peasant girl. Though he loved her in his way, he would never tether himself to her side. She put her disappointment aside as Mateo threw his arm around her shoulder enveloping her in his cloak and led him inside. Tonight, at least, he will belong only to me.


Motivated by the memory of her mother dying in her arms, Esperanza resolves that she will one day walk the halls of the Scola Medica at Salerno and train to become a healer. Fate brought Amika, a talented herbalist, into her life and helped Esperanza take her first steps toward gaining the knowledge that would fulfill her dream. Unfortunately, a tragic accident forced Esperanza to flee Amika's home. Her journey toward finding the path to success is littered with stumbling blocks, some more difficult to avoid than she expected.


Cindy Burkart Maynard is passionate about history, and the natural world, a passion that adds rich detail and context to her historical fiction novels. Her characters come to life on the page as they portray what it was like to live in another time and place. She weaves compelling, dramatic stories based on strong characters facing daunting challenges. She has co-authored two nonfiction works about the Colorado Plateau and the Desert Southwest and contributed articles to Images and Colorado Life Magazines. She has been a Volunteer Naturalist for Boulder County for more than twenty years, and served as a Docent at the Sonora Arizona Desert Museum in Tucson, AZ.

Awards: Colorado Authors League Award Winner for Western Literature

Women Writing the West Award Finalist WILLA Literary Award finalist for soft cover fiction.

Readers’ Favorite Five Star Author Winner of the Marie M. Irvine award for Literary Excellence

Professional Affiliations:

Historical Novel Society of North America

Lighthouse Writers

Women’s Fiction Writers Association

Colorado Authors League

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers

Authors Guild





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