When I was busy planning our trip to Iceland last year, there was one historical site I really wanted to see above all others: the homestead of Eric the Red. This was the very place where Leif Ericsson was born, and then you know the rest of the story. Five-hundred or so years before "Columbus ever sailed the ocean blue, Leif found it first, woo, woo, woo!" (Now you know why I'm not a poet!)

We found Eric's Homestead to be fascinating, and archaeologically excavated, too. What I found especially intriguing, was that historians and archaeologists located the site by using Icelandic sagas--compilations of stories about Eric the Red and Leif to geographically locate where the homestead was. Now sagas aren't always known for their accuracy, but apparently this one gave enough clues for Eric's homestead to be discovered.
I happened to be acquainted with Eric Schumacher, author of a number of Viking novels. (Isn't it cool how he shares Eric the Red's name?) I couldn't WAIT to tell him where I'd been, because I knew he'd be interested--and he was. What I didn't know at the time was that Eric was using another Viking saga to research the tales of Olaf and his company of warriors, who traveled and raided during the late Saxon age.
This past week, I finished reading Wolves of Wagria, Eric Schumacher's third novel in his series on Olaf. If you like high adventure and enjoy reading about how men fought and lived in Norse history, THIS is the series for you! So this week, I'm applauding Eric on his achievements and sharing a Book Spotlight on the Wolves of Wagria. I hope you'll consider checking it out.
All About Wolves of Wagria

Three kingdoms. Two friends. Only one way to survive.
For fans of Bernard Cornwell and Conn Iggulden comes the tale of Olaf Tryggvason and his adventures in the battle-scarred kingdom of Wagria.
It is AD 972. Olaf Tryggvason and his oath-sworn protector, Torgil, are once again on the move. They have left the Rus kingdom and now travel the Baltic Sea in search of plunder and fame. But a fateful storm lands them on the Vendish coastline in a kingdom called Wagria.
There, they find themselves caught between the aggression of the Danes, the political aspirations of the Wagrian lords, and the shifting politics in Saxland. Can they survive or will they become just one more casualty of kingly ambitions?
Find out in this harrowing sequel to the best-selling Forged by Iron and Sigurd’s Swords.
All About Eric

Eric Schumacher discovered his love for writing and medieval European history at a very early age, as well as authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Bernard Cornwell, Jack Whyte, and Wilbur Smith. Those discoveries fueled his imagination and continue to influence the stories he tells. His first novel, God’s Hammer, was published in 2005.
You can follow Eric Schumacher on Amazon or by joining his newsletter at https://www.ericschumacher.net/readers-club.
Connect With Eric
This book is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.
Thanks so much for hosting Eric Schumacher today, Brook, with such a fabulous post! x